
This section contains network protocols and attack methods.

This Section contains several network protocols. All the protocols have a default template and structure to ease the reading of the protocols. Furthermore the tree strucure is also an standard. The subsections of the protocol has specific attacks, security checks or other security issues.

The Protocol itself has the following structure:

  • A short explanation about the subject
  • The transfer protocol user (TCP UDP)
  • A high level overview of operation
  • A low level overview of the high level operation.
  • References

The subsections have the following structure

  • The type of the attack. This section performs an high level overview of the attack
  • This section gives an low level version on how the attack works.
  • This section explains how to perform the attacl/ These may include complete commands and links to git repositories.
  • The last section is an mitigation section and explains how to mitigate the attack if there is a mitigation.

The Template folder in the git contains a default network protocol template and an subsection template.


Adress Resolution is a Layer 2 network discovery protocol.


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a protocol to handle the assignments of IPv4 adresses in a network.


This section contains the FTP (File transfer Protocol) section.


The Simple Message protocol is often used to establish telecommunications for example VoIP.


Domain Name Services translate hostnames to IPs

Last modified May 31, 2020