Adress Resolution is a Layer 2 network discovery protocol.

Adress resolution protocol(ARP) is a communication protocol used for discovering the link layer adress such as a MAC adress associated with a given internet layer adres. Usually an IPv4 adress.

Within Ipv6 networks the functionality of ARP is provided by the Neighbor Discovery Protocol

Reverse ARP

Reverse ARP (RARP) is a compliment to ARP

Transport protocol

ARP is broadcasted using mac addresses and hte data is contained in the ethernet frame.

High level operation

Client A is connected on the same subnet as Client B with both assigned a IPv4. Client A has to send a packet to client B. Through DNS it resolves that Client B has ip adress X.

To send a packet a MAC adres of Client B is also needed by Client A Client A first uses a locally cached ARP table to look up the IP of Client B.

If the adres is foudn then it sends a Ethernet frame with the destination mac adress containing the the IP packet.

If there is no entry for Client B in the local ARP cache then Client A will send out a broadcast ARP request message on (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) requesting an answer for an IP adres

Client B will respond with an ARP response message containing the MAC and IP adresses of the client. and sends it to Client A.

As part of this request Client B might store the IP and MAC of Client A in the local ARP cache.

Low level operation

The arp packet is 224 octets in length and it contains the following types

  • Hardware type;
  • Protocol type;
  • Hardware Length;
  • Protocol Lenght;
  • Operation;
  • Sender hardware address;
  • Sender Protocol Address;
  • Target Hardware Address;
  • Target Protocol Address;

The entries are arranged in the following manner in the packet

ARP Frame

Hardware Type: Each link layer protocol is assigned a numer used in this field. For Ethernet this number is 1.

Protocol Type: Each protocol is assigned a number used in this field. For example, IPv4 is 0x0800.

Hardware Length: Length in bytes of a hardware adres. The ethernet hardware MAC adress is 6 bytes long.

Protocol Lenght: Length in bytes of a logical adress. IPv4 adressses are 4 bytes long.

Operation: Specifies the operation the sender is performing. There are 4 types of ARP messages that may be send by the ARP protocol. These are identified by four values in the operation field of the ARP message. The types are:

  1. ARP request
  2. ARP reply
  3. RARP request
  4. RARP reply

Sender Hardware Address: the hardware adress of the sender

Sender Protocol Address: Protocol Adress opf the sender.

Target Hardware Adress: Hardware adress of the intended reciever. This field is left empty upon ARP request.

Target Protocol Adress : Protocol adress of the inteded reciever.


Cache Flood

Cache flooding is an attack that can flood the CAM table this causes a switch to switch to a HUB mode.


Spoofing ARP requests can change the routing of packets and is required for a Man in the middle attack.

Last modified May 31, 2020