Registration Removal

Its possible to unregister a user

Registration removal attack is a signal manipulation attack. This attack will deregister a user on the network and will have as an effect that the user will no longer recieve messages from the SIP proxy.

Low level

By sending a custom made REGISTER request with the fields Contact and Expires The contact header is the actual adress taht the registrant is listening on for incomming calls. Expiration indicates how long it takes to expire.

To remove a registration the attacker sends a modified header with the contact set to * and the expiration set to 0. This will unregister the user that requested the message. Ofcourse its possible to spoof messages.


Send a crafted SIP packet with the following headers

Contact: *
Expire: 0


It is possible to mitigate the attack by monitoring for the headers in the request.

Last modified May 31, 2020